The brake system of the car is an important safety system, which we often need to use in daily driving, so we should always keep it safe. Sistem marake mobil utamina ngandelkeun gesekan antara hiji hampang shot sareng disk marake sareng cakram mark, umumna nalika urang ngeposkeun sistem hara, hal utama nyaéta cek pads is serious. But you can't just look at that when you're checking the braking system. The following automotive brake pad manufacturers show you the rest of the brake system.
The brake system of the car should look at the brake pads, brake discs, brake fluid and other components of the pump. Under normal circumstances, the amount of brake fluid storage should be between the upper and lower lines of the storage tank. Upami aya kakurangan cairan marar, jinis cairan maruna kedah ditambah, sareng jinis cairan nyeuneutik sanés gajih atanapi enitik-alkohol henteu tiasa ditambah. Beungeut tina cakram rem kedah datar, supados hampang rem tiasa dipasang, ngagantian anyar hampang hampang henteu gampang ngabalukarkeun alur eusina , at this time without processing the new brake pads will increase the probability of noise generation.
Waktu Post: Feb-14-2025