Pabrikan Pad Mahay Mahayer: Kumaha hakim naha pangaruh anu ngerem tina hss rem mobil anu saé?

Pangaruh Puncak ORDOT ORDOTobil mangrupikeun salah sahiji indéks anu penting pikeun ngukur kasalametan mobil. Gandeng alus hartosna tiasa ngeureunkeun kendaraan gancang sareng éfisién pikeun nyegah poténsi bahaya. To determine whether the braking effect of the brake pad is good, it can be evaluated from the following aspects.

Anu mimiti, pangaruh ngers hiji pad tandan tiasa dievaluasi ku darajat ngagem kana hiji hampang marah. Excessive wear of brake pads will lead to reduced braking performance and longer braking distance. During normal driving, the braking effect of the brake pads can be judged by observing the wear and tear of the brake pads. Under normal circumstances, the wear thickness of the brake pads should be kept within a certain range, beyond which the brake pads need to be replaced.

Kadua, pangaruh ngering tiasa dievaluasi ku koefisien fuktien tina hampang tanduk. The friction between the brake pads and the brake discs will determine the effect of the brakes. Upami koefien ferik tina hampang rem low teuing, éta bakal ngakibatkeun kakuatan ngerem anu henteu cekap sareng karasa narajang henteu peka; Upami koefisién tina rasa gestiana luhur teuing, éta bakal ngakibatkeun permukakan anu kaleuleuwihan antara bure burit sareng cakram mark, sareng nyababkeun gagal gagal. Therefore, by understanding the friction coefficient of brake pads, the braking effect of brake pads can be preliminarily evaluated.

Salaku tambahan, épék ngerep tiasa dievaluasi ku nguji kakuatan ngerem tina hampang. Dina kaayaan aman, anjeun tiasa milih tempat terbuka pikeun uji marake. Salila tés, ngagancangkeun kendaraan anu leres teras terang Langkung ageung kakuatan ngeringkeun, langkung hadé pangaruh nangkiran bérés. At the same time, you can also observe whether there will be abnormal noise, shaking and other conditions when braking, which is also one of the important indicators to evaluate the brake effect of the brake pad.

Salaku tambahan, pangaruh ngerem tina hs mars tiasa dievaluasi ku cara pareum cairan. Brake fluid is an important medium for storing and transmitting brake force in brake system. If the brake fluid quality is poor or the pollution is serious, it will affect the working efficiency of the brake system, resulting in weak braking force. Therefore, regularly checking the quality and level of the brake fluid and keeping the brake fluid clean is an important part of evaluating the braking effect of the brake pads.

Waktu Pasang: Feb-21-2025